Car manufacturer Jaguar has teamed up with architect Tom Barton of Barr Gazetas to imagine the consequences of an electrified automotive future on cities. Taking four case studies across the United Kingdom, the team speculated on existing infrastructural issues, and the opportunities for improvement made possible by the advent of electric cars.
With 180,000 electric vehicles on UK roads in 2018 and 1 million estimated by 2020, the case studies imagine a future where green alternatives to fossil fuels power transport and buildings in zero-emission cities. Below, we have republished the four scenarios, featuring a motorway, inner-city car park, industrial wasteland, and a wider urban landscape.
Motorway Scenario

Barr Gazetas: We reimagined Forton Services as an architectural intervention that could be completed today. The removal of the petrol/diesel forecourt brings the building to the foreground, improving offerings of retail and leisure the cars can be charged in the car park.
Car Park Scenario

Barr Gazetas: At a time when 50% of car’s fuel is expected to be delivered from a plug in someone’s home, Welbeck Street car park is reimagined as an inner-city charging silo, where city dwellers without access to a drive can charge their cars.
Industrial Wasteland Scenario

Barr Gazetas: Stanley dock in Liverpool imagines a city where cars have been banned from the centers, improving air quality and pedestrian experience, this also revitalises currently underused industrial sites which act as a ‘last-mile’ interchange for access to the city.
City Scenario

Barr Gazetas: Finally, with the rise in electric powered transport, major city centres become more pleasant places to live as the air quality improves. Here we imagine London with drone transport and electric vehicles charged by new electricity generation infrastructure within the city.
News via: Barr Gazetas